“We'll get right to the point: we're asking you to help support Khan Academy. We're a nonprofit that relies on support from people like you. If everyone reading this gives $12 monthly, Khan Academy can continue to thrive for years. Please help keep Khan Academy free, for anyone, anywhere forever."
- Sal Khan, Founder and CEO
Double your impact!
Did you know you might be able to double your gift? Check to see if your employer matches!
Khan Academy is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your donation receipt as your official record.
Frequently asked questions
Is this donation tax deductible?
We are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit in the United States, and all gifts to us are tax deductible in the United States to the fullest extent allowed by law. Our Tax ID number is 26-1544963.
How do I give by check?
Please make your check payable to Khan Academy. If your gift is for a specific fund, program, school, etc., please specify that in the memo line. Mail to: Khan Academy P.O. Box 1630 Mountain View, CA 94042-1630
Do you accept employee matching gifts?
Many employers offer a Matching Gifts Program that can double or triple your personal gift to Khan Academy. Some employee matching programs require submitting proof of a donation through a company portal, and then the company will provide a matching gift. Other programs allow employees to donate through a company portal and have their donations matched automatically. You can check to see if your company matches here.
Can I donate stock or make my donation by wire transfer?
Yes, we accept donations of stock and donations by domestic and international wire transfer. Please email donate@khanacademy.org for our wire and stock transfer information.
Do you accept cryptocurrency donations?
We accept Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), and Ethereum (ETH). Please use these addresses to donate cryptocurrency:
Please notify at donate@khanacademy.org if you are making a crypto donation and require a receipt.
Can I donate in a currency other than US dollars?
Yes! You can select the currency you would like to use on the donation page to the left next to the donation amount buttons.
How do I manage my recurring donation?
With Classy, you can manage your recurring donation. You can easily do things like update your payment information, change your donation amount, or download receipts. Use the link at the bottom of your receipt to create a login for Classy. You must use the same email you used to start your donation. Once you've created an account, you can log into the donor portal at any time. More info here.
How do I edit or cancel my recurring donation?
Use the Manage Your Donation link at the bottom of your receipt. You must use the same email you used to start your donation for your Classy login. Once logged in, scroll to Recurring Donation. Select Edit Donation. You can edit the frequency, amount, end date and payment information. Then select Save Changes. You can cancel your donation by selecting Cancel Recurring Donation. More info here.
The Learners Fund is a select community of supporters who make unrestricted gifts of $1,000 to $99,999 each year. Interested in joining the Learners Fund and changing lives for millions of learners each month in more than 190 countries? Click here to learn more.
I have a question about my donation or financially supporting Khan Academy?
If you have any other donation related questions not answered here, please email donate@khanacademy.org . If you have a question related to a recent donation, please include your first and last name and the email address used when making the donation.
Is there someone I can talk to if I am interested in becoming a corporate partner?
Please reach out to donate@khanacademy.org Inspire your employees to celebrate and support learning, and elevate your company’s role as a global leader in education.
Can I talk to someone on the phone?
Khan Academy is a small but mighty team and we unfortunately are unable to provide service over the phone. If you reach out to our support team at support.khanacademy.org or email donate@khanacademy.org , we will do the best we can to help you.
I need help with Khan Academy. Can you help?
For all non-philanthropy inquiries please head over to support.khanacademy.org and click “report a problem” in the top right hand corner. That should put you in touch with someone from our support team who is more than happy to assist you.
How do I verify Khan Academy’s charitable registration compliance for each US state?